Budget Cuts 2011
Rick Snyder the governor of Michigan is making funding cuts. These cuts especially effect education. This will most likely reduce the number of teachers in the school and it will make the schools have less money for supplies and other things that they may need. Also, schools without money may be turned into charter schools which have proven lower test scores.

            I believe that the budget cuts are an outrage. Adults keep saying that kids my age are the future. These cuts are making for a darker future because without the money to pay for all the teachers, we will learn less. It will also increase the size of the classes. This will make it hard for the teachers to get around to every kid who needs help. If the in debt schools are turned into charter schools, the test scores will get even worse.

          Snyder is calling for three- hundred dollar cuts per kid from K- 12. There were already going to be cuts worth $170 so in total schools are being cut $470 per student. Schools in Grand Rapids are going to suffer and $8 million dollar loss from the funding cuts. Paul Helder, head of the Grand Rapids Education Association called it, “Robin Hood in reverse.”

Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan